Dear members,
Firstly, I hope you are all well and can I thank everyone who has renewed their memberships for 2021. Your support (and money) is greatly appreciated at this time.
You’ll be pleased to see that the provisional programme for the 2021 sailing season is now available to view on the website and attached PDF.
My thanks to all those who helped pull this together. We certainly have a busy season planned.
Of course, it goes without saying that we hope to run as much of our programme as possible, but in these challenging times things may have to change, possibly quickly, depending how the roadmap goes.
We now have the Government’s plan for the coming months as we exit lockdown and the RYA has issued its first round of guidance to the sailing community. Colour coding in the PDF represents that proposed changed of restrictions.
I’m advised that the RYA info will likely be updated soon as legislation becomes available. Here is the current RYA info.
FSC’s own Covid sub-committee are also reviewing this information and will issue further advice to members on the protocols we’ll have to follow at each stage.
Sailing aside, Casey is working on things for the social/shoreside activities of the club, again, within the limits set out by the Government. We’ll update you with those plans shortly.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.